The DIM PAMIR “Recherche et restauration” working group is organising a breakfast on December 6, 2024 from 9 to 10.30am at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art/Galerie Colbert, Room 111.
The aim of this event is to promote meetings between scientists and conservators within the the AAP Doctorat et Post-doctorat 2025, and to specify the terms and conditions of support for conservators, as well as the procedures for submitting projects.
The meeting will be moderated by Loïc Bertrand, Pauline Hélou de la Grandière, Barbara Jouves-Hann, Isabelle Rouget et Laurence de Viguerie.
As the number of places is limited, please let us know if you are registered and are unable to attend, by writing to the following address: pamir-admin@groupes.renater.fr