Archiving and promoting a documentary collection on the first French [...]
French medieval libraries
Multi-scale characterization of a marine carbonate platform archive (Middle Jurassic, [...]
Reconstruction of climatic conditions over the last 40 000 years [...]
Reconstruction of climate variability in central France over the past [...]
Western Mediterranean climate changes during the mid-Pleistocene transition : land-sea correlation
Stages of DEGradation of adhesive tapes applied to heritage materials [...]
Digital Humanities Internship as part of the Transatlantic Cultures Project
Displaying Research Data : Architecture, 3D and humanities and social sciences
Relationships between chemical composition and long-term durability of the [...]
Developing a bilingual controlled vocabulary for heritage science
An experimental approach to the study of manufacturing techniques for [...]
Characterisation of the variability of the microstructure and chemical composition [...]
Implementation of functional molecules to map water at the micro-scale [...]
Lipid adaptation of microorganism Halobacterium salinarum in extreme salinity conditions: [...]
LiDAR survey processing and validation of geomorphological and archaeological markers [...]
An AI Tool for Book Conservation Assessment
Roman glass: decoloration aspects and recycling: the contribution of photoluminescence
Luminescence of antique pigments
Natural vs. artificial silver mirroring