Multi-scale characterization of a marine carbonate platform archive (Middle Jurassic, [...]
Ancient ceramic production sequences revisited : Contributions from deep learning [...]
Research in conservation-restoration and instrumentation
Centralisation and use of an MUtualised archiving and backup space [...]
The practice of Robert Delaunay and his contemporaries
Digital Humanities Internship as part of the Transatlantic Cultures Project
Biomechanics for paleobiology: application to the locomotion of the ornithopod [...]
The invention of the durable house within the first sedentary [...]
Heritage data : methods, infrastructures, operations
Organisation of a summer school linked to the 15th International [...]
Developing a bilingual controlled vocabulary for heritage science
Gordon Research Conference and Symposium Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research
10th International Workshop for African Archaebotany
Study day “Research in conservation-restoration: ambitions for new synergies”
The launch day of the structuring project “Référentiels franciliens” of [...]
Lead Isotopes for Archaeology, Geology and Industry in Thailand
LiDAR survey processing and validation of geomorphological and archaeological markers [...]
An AI Tool for Book Conservation Assessment
New machine learning tools for attribution and prognosis in conservation
Methodologies and practices of research in restoration
Methodologies and practices of research in restoration (2)
3D scan and database of Bernard Palissy’s grottoes
The DIM PAMIR wanted to promote the work of the [...]
Phase-based motion magnification for Real-time Inspection of Structural Movement of [...]
The DIM PAMIR will hold a workhop with the libraries [...]
Open Science – Data in Heritage sciences
The DIM PAMIR, the Institut de l’Energie Soutenable and the [...]
Data Processing – Open Science (2)
Data Processing – Open Science project (3)
Whispers of the past at Notre-Dame