One of the DIM’s objectives is to promote research into conservation-restoration processes, involve professionals in research programs and encourage interdisciplinary collaborations by integrating various social and economic players in the heritage field.

This initiative is a continuation of the “Research and Restoration” project (2021-2022, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux), which focused on involving conservator-restorers in research programs. The results were presented at the “Research and Conservation: Histories, Practices and Perspectives” study day on September 22, 2021. The proceedings of this day have been published in autumn 2023.

The “Research and Restoration” working group

To establish sustainable arrangements that meet needs, the “Research and Restoration” Working Group was formed in autumn 2022 within the DIM. The members of this working group are:

  • Ann Bourgès (C2RMF)
  • Jacques Cuisin (MNHN)
  • Pauline Hélou de La Grandière (Conservator-Restorer, Painting)
  • Delphine Morana-Burlot (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
  • Gaëlle Pichon-Meunier (Curator)
  • Olivier Rolland (Conservator-Restorer, Sculpture)

    The working group is supported by Barbara Jouves-Hann.

    Specific support mechanisms, a first at regional level

    In 2023, the DIM voted to support restorers who are partners in a research project, by setting up a specific budget envelope. This new modality has been integrated into the call for projects “Doctorat and post-doctorat”.
