
The 2023 Open Science Cafés are led by Laurent Romary. They take place by videoconference from 1.30pm to 2pm… during coffee hour. Around a question, we start by unfolding the different issues and challenges. Then there’s plenty of time for discussion. Why not get together in the lab and listen to the Café with your colleagues?

If you have not been able to attend a Café, you can take a look at the Open Science Posts (see below); some of them deal with the same issues.

List of Open Science Cafés

  • Should we publish freely? – 22 June – 1.30pm
  • Should we pay to publish? – 14 September – 1.30pm
  • Why draw up a data management plan? – 16 November – 1.30pm


The posts are written by Juliette Ollivier and reviewed by the Open Science Working Group.

 Logo_billet1 Une identité auteur, à quoi ça sert ?

 Logo_billet2 Publier librement ?

 Logo_billet3 Payer pour publier ?